Liebster Award

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award by Charlotte at Step Into My Closet. I’m really excited to answer her questions, so let’s get straight into it!

1. What is your favorite color to wear in clothing?
Although it may sound a bit boring my favorite color to wear is black… I could wear all black, everyday, for the rest of my life and I would be thrilled about it. If I had to pick a color I would go with turquoise. It looks great with my hair and eye color!
2. Would you rather go without foundation or mascara?
What a tough question… I would have to say foundation. I have blonde eye lashes and mascara makes a world of a difference for me!
3. Do you prefer high heels or wedges?
I love them both! If I had to choose just one it would be heels. Black stilettos are perfection for any occasion!
4. What is your favorite memory from your life so far?
It may sound a bit cliché but the day that I had my son!
5. What character from a book would you want to be?
Do I even need to answer this? Bella Swan from Twilight!
6. What is your favorite type of food to eat, for example Italian or Indian etc?
Definitely Mexican food… but it has to be Tex Mex, as I am from Texas and have become a complete snob when it comes to Mexican food.
7. What is your favorite item of jewelry to wear rings, necklaces or bracelets?
I have become quite the minimalist when it comes to jewelry. I prefer wearing one accessory — usually a ring!
8. What is your favorite thing to do in your spare time?
My favorite thing to do is to put on makeup or try different looks… If I have free time I am in my bathroom experimenting with new products!
9. Why did you start blogging?
Because I am completely and utterly obsessed with cosmetics and I love to write and create things. I love the beauty community and it just made sense to start — so I did!
10. What is your big dream?
To own my own house… sounds boring, but that’s my dream.
11. If you had 3 wishes what would you wish for?
1. To have my “pre-baby” body back!
2. A billion dollars
3. Full eyebrows!!
Julia from Born To Blush
Anna from missmanzanna
Pauline from Addicted to Makeup
Kendra from Beauty by Kendra C
Leyla from Leyla Writes
Bre from Silver Passionista
Katie from
Sophie from It’s a Girls’ Thing

Ok so here are the rules: 
1. Each nominee must answer the 11 questions that were asked by the blogger that nominated them.
2. You must choose 11 bloggers with under 200 followers to pass the award onto.
3. Then make 11 questions for them to answer.
4. Go to their page and tell them about their nomination.
5. No tag backs.


My 11 Questions:
  1. Lipstick or Lipgloss?
  2. What do you have the most trouble with during makeup application? Eyeliner, brows, eyeshadow, etc?
  3. What is your dream car?
  4. What is your favorite physical feature of yourself?
  5. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  6. Who is your celebrity crush?
  7. What is the one luxury beauty item that you would love to spoil yourself with, but the pricetag holds you back?
  8. What is your favorite thing about blogging?
  9. What is your biggest pet peeve?
  10. What quality do you find most attractive in others?
  11. What is your biggest fear?

Let me know when you have finished yours!!



    One thought on “Liebster Award

    1. Bre

      Thanks for nominating me! I'll definitely be doing it!

    2. asianhomie101

      Thanks for nominating me dear 🙂 I'll definitely do it, its just a matter of when… LOL.
      <3 Pauline, Addicted to Makeup

    3. Katie Pedelaborde

      Hii, thanks for nominating me!! I'll definitely do it 🙂
      And you have a son? that's so cute!!


      congrats ,very nice blog 🙂

    5. Leyla Wright

      Thanks so much for nominating me sarah, just posted mine now! 🙂

      Leyla xx

    6. Dolce Virginia

      increible look estas monisima me gusta muchisimo tu estilo.tambiem me aria ilusion te pasaras por mi blog y si te gusta podriamos seguir mutuamente besosss.


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