NARS Orgasm/Laguna Duo and Elf Comparison

(l-r) NARS, ELF
NARS Orgasm — a bright peachy pink with gold shimmer.  Orgasm is a beautiful color with amazing pigmentation, but the gold shimmer is just way too much for my taste. It highlights every pore and imperfection. I have never really liked blushes that had shimmer in them so I’m not quite sure why I thought I’d like this one. I can understand why many people love this blush, but it is definitely not for me.
NARS Laguna – A medium toned golden bronze with shimmer. I really enjoy the color of this bronzer, but again with the shimmer! I read quite a few reviews online that stated the shimmer was undetectable when applied to the face. Uhhhh… WRONG! It did blend nicely and I do think the color would look lovely on a variety of different skintones but the shimmer was a turn off for me.
Aside from the obvious packaging similarities, I don’t think these two are dupes at all. That’s not to say I don’t like the Elf Duo. The bronzer is much darker than the NARS version and more matte. It also has a ruddiness to it that I quite like. Bronzers that have a little red to them can be more natural looking on fair skin than ones with golden tones. It reminded me of a darker version of MAC’s Harmony. Because it is quite pigmented, I recommend using a light hand! The Elf blush is good, but nothing to write home about. It is a light pinky peach with shimmer. I don’t find the shimmer to be as overpowering as Orgasm and I think this blush is much easier to wear.
Overall the NARS duo just didn’t work for me… I think if it had Laguna and a matte blush I would have been more pleased with the purchase. Unfortunately I will be returning it tomorrow… I know it is taboo for a blogger to return an item after reviewing, but a few people left comments on my haul wanting to see a comparison so I really wanted to write it for you guys!


(l-r) NARS, ELF

(l-r) NARS, ELF

Have you tried Laguna, Orgasm, or the Elf Duo? Any matte NARS blushes you can recommend?

One thought on “NARS Orgasm/Laguna Duo and Elf Comparison

  1. carly

    Thank you SO much for doing this post! I was so excited to see it pop up on my BL page! After looking at the swatches the colors don't look too similar at all! Orgasm looks sooo gorgeous but if you don't like shimmer in your blushes I can see how it's way too much.

    sundays grace

  2. Aggie

    Thank you for this! I feel this is a common misconception that people tend to fall for! Hence why it is CONSTANTLY sold out of the Elf UK website! The Elf Duo has long been glorified as THE Orgasm/Laguna dupe but thanks to your post, we now know that is not the case. Thanks 🙂


  3. asianhomie101

    Thank you for doing the comparison 🙂 Its refreshing to know someone is being honest about products 😀 Now that I know, I probably will still check out Orgasm/Laguna duo but be more cautious about purchasing. Not a huge fan of having tons of shimmer on my face :/ Such a pretty color, what a shame :/ I am a pretty big fan of the Elf blush though XD Enough of a fan, at least, to have damaged the packaging and make it untravelable… XD

    <3 Pauline, ­­Addicted to Makeup

  4. Vanessa N

    Oh good, I've been thinking about getting the NARS duo for a long while (price kept throwing me off), but bless this post *I thought they were dupes too)! The shades in the ELF kit are wayy more wearable and gorgeous, and it's significantly cheaper too!

    Vanessa | Citron and Guavaberry ʘ‿ʘ | Makeup & Silly things

  5. KyLee

    After seeing the swatches, I agree that the elf duo is much nicer. When you factor in the price of that duo compared to Nars, I don't blame you for taking it back!

  6. beautylover

    Hi Sarah, I was thinking about getting NARS Laguna, as I wanted another bronzer and heard good things about it, but like you I don't like too much shimmer, so I think I will stick with my MAC Harmony blusher :).

    Paula at Beauty Lover

  7. Melissa Van Roosbroeck

    Great post, it's fun to see them all compared. I have NARS Orgasm myself and love it, but I don't think I have a dupe for it in my stash.

  8. Jen Burns

    Thank you for your wonderful compliment!! 🙂

    I was hoping you would do this review!! After seeing the swatches…the Laguna looks a little muddy and the Elf bronzer looks much warmer and I like that! More wearable! But I love the Nars Orgasm! I love the gold shimmer!! GREAT post!


  9. Erin and Katherine

    Its sad to say, but Im still trying to get NARS orgasm to work for me… hm. This post is really informative – now I really want to try the ELF bronzer – look red undertones in bronzers. thanks! x

  10. Rachael Linton

    I've recently got Laguna in a palette and I love it! I think I may also have the Elf duo too, I'll have to give it another go again tomorrow. xo

    Rachael |


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